
Majlis Iftar sempena sambutan 50 Tahun SUDC

Pengerusi SUDC YBhg, Tuan Jamawi Jaafar bersama Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif , En. Afizal Aldin serta Ahli Pengurusan SUDC telah menyampai sumbangan kepada pelajar -pelajar Maahad Tahfiz Imam As Syafie, Tuaran serta anak- anak yatim yang telah diadakan di pejabat SUDC pada 19 April 2022.


SUDC launched 50th Anniversary Logo & its revamped website

To commemorate SUDC’s 5 decades of Pioneering Progress, Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Dr. Joachim Gunsalam officiated the unveiling of SUDC’s 50 anniversary logo and the launch of SUDC’s revamped website. The momentous event was witnessed by Permanent Secretary ,Ministry of Industrial Development Thomas Logijin , SEDCO Group General Manager Haizar Razif Hisyam, SUDC’s Board of Directors, Chairman Hj. Jamawi Jaa’far, Chief Executive Officer Afizal Aldin and management members.


YBhg En. Jamawi Jaafar SUDC Chairman along with SUDC Managing Director Anthony Dumpangol and Management team welcome newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tuan Afizal Aldin to Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn Bhd.


Kunjungan Lawatan Kerja Sempena Minggu Integrity

Pengerusi SUDC YBhg, Tuan Jamawi Jaafar bersama Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif , En. Afizal Aldin serta Ahli Pengurusan SUDC menerima kunjungan lawatan kerja daripada YA Datuk Nor Asiah Mohd Yusof ,Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Bebas Intergriti SEDCO dan Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Bebas Integriti SEDCO ke Pejabat Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn Bhd pada 26 October 2021 sempena Minggu Integrity SEDCO.

Virtual Signing Ceremony

24th September 2021, Virtual Signing ceremony between Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn Bhd and Zalam Corporation Sdn Bhd on future development in Lok Kawi Heights.Present for the ceremony is Tuan Haji Jamawi Jaafar, SUDC chairman with Tuan Afizal Aldin, CEO of SUDC along with his Management members. The event was witnessed virtually by YBhg. Datuk Pengiran Saifuddin Pengiran Tahir, Sedco Group General Manager.


Sabah Projected to See Biggest Swing in Rental Rates by 2022

Released in September 2020, the research company sees the National Price Expectations Index remains its downwards trend with a 4.8% fall over the next 12 months, before climbing again to post a cumulative growth rate of 10.6% over the next two years.

“Covid-19 and the resultant economic slowdown has had a significant negative impact on the real estate industry’s outlook for residential prices over the next 12 months. Residential prices are expected to fall nationally and in every state,” said the report.

The states with the strongest forecast price growth over the next two years are Penang and Perak, with price growth of 15.9% and 14.3%, respectively. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor have the lowest forecast price growth over the next two years with a lower but still impressive rate of 8.5%. 

Meanwhile, the industry outlook is for rental rates to follow a similar trajectory as residential prices, by first falling substantially before recovering strongly. However, in the case of rental rates, the swings look less extreme.

“On a nationwide basis, rents are expected to drop 3.8% over the next 12 months, before recovering to post 7% growth through Q3 2022. 

“Sabah is projected to see one of the biggest swings in rental rates, with an 8.7% drop in rents over the next 12 months before recovering to post 4.9% growth by the third quarter of 2022,” the report said


Kota Kinabalu One of the Best Places Abroad to Buy a Second Home?

It probably should have rental potential, too, for additional income or just because you’d rather not let a home sit empty most of the time. To narrow down your search, take a look at the places that others consider great locations for a home overseas.

Understanding the Best Places Abroad to Buy a Second Home

The hottest real estate market may not always be best for a second home—for example, according to Christie’s, a second home in Dubai has become the new must-have accessory for the super-rich.

But Dubai lacks the qualifications for an ideal second home: It not an ideal destination for a weekend getaway, an annual vacation, or an eventual retirement community—all important factors when deciding where to buy that second home internationally.

The Top Three

According to a survey by, the best place in the world to be an expat is Bahrain, followed by Taiwan and Ecuador. Expats give the gulf state high marks for friendliness, ease of settling in, and ability to communicate with non-native English speakers. Taiwan is noted for its high quality of life and Ecuador for its financial advantages.

The InterNations survey also asked expats, both year-round and part-time, about opportunities for working abroad, a question that might not appear to be immediately relevant to a second-home buyer. 

But it is worth considering because a country that makes it easy for expats to work is more likely to have a large and diverse expat community. And, if you decide that you like your second home better than your first one, you may want to live and work there full-time.

Bahrain also tops the list of countries for the best career prospects for expats. But job opportunities push some destinations beloved by Americans, like Italy and Greece, toward the bottom of the list of 68 nations.

Best Investments

Live and Invest Overseas lists five places where an expat can find it all, meaning a beautiful place in the sun with rental income possibilities and investment potential:

  • Panama for rental apartments and agricultural opportunities.
  • Brazil, especially the coastal Fortaleza region that attracts many tourists. 
  • The Dominican Republic, because this Caribbean destination is still way cheaper than neighboring islands.
  • Thailand due to its healthy economy and focus on tourism. 
  • Portugal, especially the Algarve coast and Porto region. 

Best Bargains

It’s still possible to snag a bargain overseas. Some countries have struggled with a housing bubble (Spain), a debt crisis (Greece), and recession (Portugal) that have kept prices depressed. And if the U.S. dollar rises against the euro, buying property will be even more affordable. 

Monción, Dominican Republic, offers the most affordable real estate to expats, says Live and Invest Overseas. Other affordable hotspots include Hoi An, Vietnam; Abruzzo, Italy; and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

The Luxury Market Is Healthy 

In the late 2010s, the luxury second-home market with price tags of $1 million and up experienced a big upswing in sales. Christie’s International Real Estate notes that the luxury market for second homes increased 19% in 2017.

Buying a home in an uber-competitive market may require looking at up-and-coming areas and avoiding traditionally high-priced markets like the French Riviera, the world’s favorite second-home market for high-net-worth individuals, according to World Property Journal.

Luxury homes there come at an average price above $3 million, and there is plenty of competition from Russian, Middle Eastern, and British buyers. But comparable properties in the southwestern region of France remain a relative bargain at a little under $900,000.

The same flexible approach to luxury-home location works for the not-quite-super-rich in other prime second-home markets. In Spain and Portugal, luxury real estate prices range from about $1.1 million in Sotogrande, a giant resort-style development in Spain, to around $1.8 million in the Algarve, the region along Portugal’s southern Mediterranean coast.

Changes in world politics also have had an impact on the luxury second-home market, opening up new areas to explore. Coastal resort towns in Croatia and Montenegro are among Eastern Europe’s newer hot spots for second homes, and they are still far less expensive than their counterparts farther west.

This article was written by Carol M. Kopp and originally published on Investopedia.